Get to Miquella’s Haligtree Location & Puzzle Solution

Get to Miquella’s Haligtree Location & Puzzle Solution: Michelle’s Haligtree, one of Elden Ring‘s many secret locations, is one you won’t want to miss. Here’s how you get there.

The Elden Ring’s Lands Between grows more extensive and complex as you play the game. 

There are hidden areas that you might not know about.

Michelle’s Haligtree should not be your first choice in Elden Ring. You should be at least level 110 before you go there.

To level up, you will need to know the best place to farm runes in Elden Ring. This will allow you to earn 10 million runes an hour.

Once you are ready, you will need to solve a puzzle to open a portal leading to the legacy dungeon. Here are the steps!

Get to Miquella’s Haligtree Location & Puzzle Solution

You can also find out how to access these hidden places in Elden Ring:

  • How to get to Mohgwyn Palace
  • How to get to Nokstella & Lake of Rot
  • Elden Ring – How to get to Nokron Eternal City

How to get to Miquella’s Haligtree In Elden Ring – Ordina Liturgical Town Puzzle Solution and Figures Map

You can only access Miquella’s Haligtree by entering a portal in Ordina (liturgical Town). However, to access the portal, you will need to solve a puzzle.

  • You’ll first need to understand how you can get to Consecrated snowfield. This remote area is where the portal to Miquella’s Haligtree lies.
  • Continue onwards to the north towards Consecrated Snowfield until you reach Ordina, Liturgical Town.
  • To jump to the Evergaol to the north, enter the Town from the south. This is indicated in yellow on the below map.
  • Next, light four candles across the Town to solve the puzzle. These are marked with blue torches. We’ve also placed their locations on the map!
    1. The central square is where the first candle is found. However, beware of the shadow assassin lurking around!
    2. To reach the candle, climb the ladder on the west side of Ordina. It is located at the corner of the building with the most western facade.
    3. Turn left at the Ordina and Liturgical Townsite of Grace. Follow the path with barrels around the building to reach a ladder. Light the candle and climb the ladder.
    4. The last candle is the most difficult. The final candle is located at the top of the tower. However, an archer is on the roof below. To light the candle, you’ll have to avoid its arrows, kill it and climb up the tower.
  • By lighting all four candles, you will receive the message “a seal has been broken in town,” as well as a portal.
  • The magical barrier that blocks the staircase in the north end of Ordina will disappear. You can now climb the stairs to reach Miquella’s Haligtree.
  • While you are in Miquella’s Haligtree, make sure to grab the Legendary Talismans!